Welcome to AA Latvia page!
On Fridays, an online zoom meeting.
If you wish to join the Friday 7 pm EEST (GMT +2) meeting, please click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83601012145?pwd=cU56N1MzTE9hdWZNZnN6T2NYSnQ2dz09 and then press “join from your browser” or download the zoom app. If you cannot open the link via your app, the meeting number is 83601012145 and the Passcode 121212. The meeting starts every Friday at 7 pm EEST (GMT +2) and is 1 hour long. The zoom room is usually open 15 to 30 minutes before. Contacts for the meeting are Gunta +371 20032739, Rolands +371 29487453, Daniel (UK Number) +447843829596 aarigaenglish@gmail.com
Riga “YPAAgroup” holds meetings in Latvian and in English. Meetings take place on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM (Speaker’s meeting), Thursdays at 6:30 PM (Big Book study meeting) and Saturdays at 6 PM (regular meeting).
During Covid-19 restrictions our meetings take place on zoom.
Zoom meeting details:
ID: 6348379698
Passcode: 548941
Other meetings in Latvia (in Latvian and Russian) you can find here